Demystifying Sakè
Demystifying Sakè is for all those with an interest in Japan’s national beverage who want to take the next step in their understanding. An Advanced Sake Professional and Certified Wine Sommelier, Shennen draws on his years of Hospitality industry experience to bring you a book of high quality that is light on jargon, making it easy to get passed the confusion that too often surrounds this amazing beverage. Included are sections on the history of sakè, a clear explanation of how the grades work, the ingredients and brewing process involved, and an easy to grasp run-through of the mechanics of food matching.
Foreword by Nakashima Munetaka, the 14th generation president of Nakashima Sakè Brewing Company, producer of the Kozaemon brand.
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5 minutes walk from Ochanomizu Station
東京都文京区湯島3丁目1−12 ヒルサイド御茶ノ水B1
photo credit : Walter Mario Stein